EBRC Global Forum 2.0

This is an invitation-only event.

Registration has closed. 


The Forum will be held at the Hotel Fort Canning. Our hosts in Singapore have procured an excellent reduced rate at the hotel for Forum attendees (details have been shared through email with those who have RSVPed yes to the Forum). Bookings at the reduced rate must be made by January 6, 2023. We recognize the tight timeline for the reduced rates. There are also other hotels nearby if you prefer to stay elsewhere, though we will not be able to provide reduced rates or transportation from other hotels. For your consideration, here are some other options for hotel booking (rates shown are as of 12/22/22, per night, flexible option with cancellation, no breakfast, and exclude taxes and fees):

  • Hotel Fort Canning at the non-reduced rate (SGD 340)
  • Citadines Connect City Centre Singapore (SGD 240); 6 min. walk/5 min. drive from Hotel Fort Canning
  • 30 Bencoolen (277 SGD); 10 min. walk/5 min. drive from Hotel Fort Canning
    Many others in the area!



The second EBRC Global Forum for Engineering Biology: Review of Synthetic Biology/Bioeconomy National Strategies (EBRC Global Forum 2.0) will be held on the 20th and 21st of February 2023 in Singapore in partnership with the Singapore Consortium for Synthetic Biology (SINERGY). The Forum will bring together a group of global leaders for an international summit focused on national synthetic biology roadmaps and bioeconomy strategies. Our goal is to facilitate presentations and discussions among leading representatives in the field in a relaxed, not-for-attribution forum.

The two-day agenda will include:

  • information exchanges and updates about the current status of national strategies and programs, funding, future directions, and challenges for each country represented at the EBRC Global Forum 2.0;
  • discussions focused on the common elements, opportunities, and challenges for collaborative activities, and initiatives that will advance synthetic biology/engineering biology globally and nationally; and
  • consideration to establish a virtual and ongoing Global Forum for Engineering Biology and, perhaps, task forces for specific topics such as safety and security; standards and measurement; and climate crisis/sustainability.



Participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. We will facilitate room blocks and/or make recommendations for accommodation, but we will not be covering the costs. We have some limited ability, on a case-by-case basis, to fund travel for those who could not otherwise participate without travel funding assistance..