Apply for Student & Postdoc Association Membership The EBRC SPA welcomes applications from any graduate student or postdoc doing work relevant to synthetic biology at an academic or non-profit institution and who is interested in playing an active role in the EBRC student & postdoc community. The SPA Membership Committee reviews and approves applications on a monthly basis.Profile InformationThe following information will be used to create your EBRC Profile/Member Directory Listing. Primary Email Address* Is your email address associated with a Google Account?EBRC regularly uses the Google platform for document and file sharing. Yes No I don't know. First Name*As used in publications, will be displayed on site.Last Name*If different: Name you prefer to be calledAs you use on a name badgeResearch Institution*Primary DepartmentPlease enter as "Department of...."What is the name of your PI?*Short Bio (3-4 sentences)Application QuestionsThese questions are for our Membership Committee and/or Internal-Use only.Are you a graduate student or postdoc?* Graduate Student Postdoc What year did you earn your PhD?*What year did you start your program?*Briefly describe the relevance of you research to synthetic biology and/or how your research could contribute new perspectives to the field (3-4 sentences)*Are you or have you been affiliated with any of the following engineering societies? National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) Society of Biological Engineering (SBE) Q GRAD/OSTEM None Other (please specify) If other, please specifyAre you or have you been affiliated with any of the following engineering biology organizations/ teams? International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) International Directed Evolution Competition (iDEC) Global Open Genetic Engineering Competition (GOGEC) None Other (please specify) If other, please specifyHow did you hear about the EBRC Student and Postdoc Association? My research advisor/PI A peer An administrator in my department/program Conference table or poster EBRC website EBRC Twitter account (@EngBioRC) EBRC YouTube channel ( Other social media posts (e.g. on Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, or elsewhere) SPA podcast (EBRC In Translation) EBUMP (EBRC undergraduate mentorship program) Workshop or panel hosted by the SPA From a scientific/engineering society (e.g. SWE, NSBE, SHPE) From a research organization (e.g. iGEM, GOGEC) Other (please specify) If other, please specifyRank the following as affecting your choice to apply for SPA membership (1 = most important)To engage with the community 1 (most important) 2 3 4 (least important) Networking opportunities 1 (most important) 2 3 4 (least important) Professional development 1 (most important) 2 3 4 (least important) Outreach opportunities 1 (most important) 2 3 4 (least important) DemographicsEBRC collects demographic information to better understand the diversity of nominees and members. All questions are optional and play no role in membership decisions.Gender self-identificationPlease selectMaleFemaleNon-binary / third genderPrefer not to sayWhich category best describes your race?For definitions of the following categories, please see: American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Decline to specify Unknown/unavailable Which category best describes your ethnicity?For definitions, please see: selectHispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.