Spatial Biology Europe 2023

Explore spatial research: from the application of spatial technologies in biology through to topical updates from spatial genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and spatial bioinformatics.

Expand your knowledge and discuss future priorities in:
– Spatial Multi Omics Techniques & Approaches
– Applications of Spatial Research & Technologies in Biology
– Spatial Biology in Pharma & Translational Drug Research
– Spatial Bioinformatics, Data Analysis and Interpretation

Benefits to attending include:
– Learn from Applications on Therapeutic Areas – Case Studies on Cardiovascular Development, Oncology, Neurobiology
– Explore the latest Spatial Technologies and Overcome Challenges in the Adoption of Translational Drug Research
– Gain insights into Spatial Multi-Omics applications for thr Tumor micro-environment
& much more!

View the agenda here: