Aclid, Inc.

Remote / New York

Company size: 2

Anticipated number of internship positions: 1

Opportunity for remote/virtual internship in 2023: Yes

About Aclid, Inc.

Aclid is a security and safety platform for synthetic biology founded by Professor Harris Wang at Columbia University. We provide a tech-enabled service that identifies pathogenic or toxic elements in DNA sequences for biosecurity and export control compliance. We work with some of the leading gene synthesis providers, foundries, and governments to ensure national security and safeguard public health. Our work with governments includes working on some of the first biosurveillance programs for monitoring select agents in the field.


Internship Project Description

–This description represents a potential internship project and is subject to change.–

(Updated 10/20/22)

Our computational screening platform is responsible for sensitive and specific identification of toxic or pathogenic elements in DNA sequences – from individual genes to plasmids to whole genome sequences from environmental samples. As synthetic biology, regulation, and the natural world rapidly evolve, we move quickly to address new gaps and extend our capabilities. We’re looking for a computational biologist interested in advancing the fields of biosecurity, biosafety, or biosurveillance. This is an opportunity to be one of the earliest contributors and pioneers in a new, growing field of research.

Some potential projects include:

  • Functional prediction research for synthetic sequences with no known homologs
  • Automated threat level assessments for under studied genes / proteins
  • Predicting virulence factors using protein families, gene ontology, structural motifs, or other data
  • Integrating sequencer platforms with our analysis engines for real-time, continuous monitoring of select agents in the field

If there’s another project you’re thinking about, we’d love to hear from you.