BioInd Manufacturing Innovation Institute EBRC Team Meeting
Thank you for your interest in the EBRC’s Bioindustrial MII Team. Some of the links below may no longer be active as we progress in the proposal process. If you’re interested in joining or discussing our team, please contact
The EBRC is hosting a second Bioindustrial MII Team Meeting on March 6, 2020 in Arlington, VA. This meeting is scheduled the day following the Government Proposers’ Day and in the same location. Advance registration is required.
This meeting will include:
- A presentation and discussion of proposed institute framework developed based on your input.
- Breakout Sessions for each of the working group topic areas. The initial work product of each working group will serve as the basis for the breakout discussions, with a goal of further refining the details of an institutional model. Please see our recent email(s) about joining our working groups and teams to develop the institute. More detail can be found in our updated Q&A document.
- Plenary discussion of all topics.
This meeting is open to relevant biomanufacturing stakeholders and is subject to capacity limits. Organizations not US-owned and operated inside the United States should contact prior to registering. Advance registration is required.
- March 5, 2020 – U.S. Government Proposers’ Day for BioIndMII. Registration with the government required here.
- March 6, 2020 – EBRC Meeting will run from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Marriott Crystal Gateway
1700 Richmond Highway, Arlington, VA | 703-920-3230
Negotiated room rate: $269/night plus taxes/fees at LINK or by calling 1-800-228-9290 and requesting the “EBRC Meeting” rate.
Point of Contact
You may contact the EBRC Team at