Caroline Kennedy
Caroline Kennedy is a Lead Biotechnologist and Project Leader at The MITRE Corporation. She has worked there for the past eight years, during which she has supported numerous US Government organizations in biodefense and biosecurity matters, both domestic and international. For the past four years, much of her support has been in the field of One Health Security—a timely topic considering the zoonotic origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Ms. Kennedy is also involved in MITRE’s internal R&D work program. She is a co-PI on a review of analytic methods used to detect and characterize veterinary antibiotics in surface water and is working as a Program Thrust Lead for Dr. Marc Salit’s Synthetic Biology R&D program. Ms. Kennedy enjoys working with students and has been an undergraduate team iGEM mentor as well as the MITRE POC for a new MIT/Lincoln Lab/MITRE co-developed Beaver Works Summer Institute course on Computational Biology and the Microbiome. Ms. Kennedy received her BA in Biology from the University of Virginia and is completing her MPH in Epidemiology at George Mason University in May 2022. She is also a mother of two young children and passionate about helping junior employees develop a healthy work/life balance, find their passion, and advocate for themselves as they progress in their careers.