
  • Suggest an Opportunity (BISON)

    BIoSecurity Opportunities Nexus (BISON) is a resource that compiles all student and postdoc-relevant biosecurity opportunities (graduate and postdoc academic programs, scholarships, fellowships, internships, etc.). BISON includes both international and domestic (US) opportunities.

  • Member: Information Update Form

  • Council Member Form

  • Create a profile

  • Suggest a Job Post

    EBRC invites the Engineering Biology community to post relevant job openings and career-development opportunities.

  • Diversity Database Program

    Suggest a Woman in Biology

    If you or someone you know should be included in our Diversity Database, please let us know. We are open to any nominations or self-nominations of women-identifying professionals in or related to engineering biology.

  • Suggest a News Item

  • Suggest an Event

    EBRC wants to connect the synthetic biology community to your workshops, meetings, and other activities. Please add your event here to share with your colleagues.

  • Suggest an Education & Outreach Activity

    EBRC has developed a lightly-curated list of education and outreach activities in synthetic biology. This list includes workshops and short-courses, classroom activities and hands-on training opportunities. The list is intended to serve as a resource for existing opportunities you may want to engage in, as well as ideas for activities you may want implement at your own institution.

  • Apply for Student & Postdoc Association Membership

  • Apply for EBRC Individual Membership

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