
  • Engineering Biology for Space Health: An Innovative Research Roadmap

    Publication Date: October 2024

    This EBRC technical research roadmap, Engineering Biology for Space Health, provides a detailed evaluation of opportunities for engineering biology to improve human health and well-being during space exploration missions and help solve societal challenges here on Earth. Keeping humans alive on ever-longer and ever-further missions into space will require the sustainable production and access to food, new and more efficient and effective health and medicine capabilities, and enabling and ensuring resources to support life and control the local environment, particularly when those resources are limited. This roadmap is intended to guide technical research and development, investment, and programmatic decisions into engineering biology tools and technologies that will help overcome the challenges of extended space travel.

  • Engineering Biology Metrics and Technical Standards for the Global Bioeconomy

    Publication Date: May 2024

    Coordinated by Imperial College London, the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National University of Singapore (NUS), with support from Schmidt Sciences, this report is a response to the field’s need for standards and metrics and the lack of clarity on which standards to prioritize—from how to catalog organisms used in bioproduction to help make technology transfer more predictable and accurate to making sure data is formatted the same way to enable easier sharing. Representatives from the four partner organizations joined regional stakeholders from the Americas, Europe, and Asia to identify 10 key focus areas. These range from technical areas such as data standards, common definitions, and metrics to quantify and scale up biological processes, to non-technical areas vital for the growth of the bioeconomy, including public engagement and regulatory clarity to aid the safe and efficient commercialization of new products.

  • From Intent to Impact: Enabling Transdisciplinary Research for Responsible Scientific Stewardship

    Publication Date: March 2024 | Originally published in the Journal of Science Policy & Governance

    Global challenges are complex and must be tackled in a holistic manner. Understanding and addressing them requires collaboration across disciplines, often uniting the humanities and social and natural sciences, to ask better questions and identify practical and revolutionary solutions. Universities can be excellent vehicles for transformational change as they educate the next generation of civically-motivated thinkers to create meaningful action and impact. Too often systemic, artificial barriers exist within these institutions that prevent meaningful transdisciplinary collaboration from succeeding. We recommend that universities identify grand challenges and foster a culture of cross-department collaboration with appropriate internal and external resources to enable broader impacts. Together, funders and institutional policymakers play a critical strategic role in fostering civic scientists and transdisciplinary researchers to solve multifaceted global problems.

  • Transforming trash: strategies to develop waste into a feedstock for a circular bioeconomy

    Publication Date: February 2024 | Originally published in Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining.

    A strategy to develop agriculture and food production waste into biomanufacturing feedstocks that leverages existing, local waste streams; engineering biology; broad stakeholder collaboration; and federal coordination.

  • Addressing the Climate Crisis Through Engineering Biology

    Publication Date: February 2024 | Originally published in npj Climate Action.

    A companion piece to Engineering Biology for Climate & Sustainability: A Research Roadmap for a Cleaner Future, this publication features discussion of engineering biology research and development opportunities to impact climate change and long-term environmental sustainability, including why and how engineering biology and subsequent biotechnologies should be among the most prominent of approaches to overcoming the climate crisis. This publication also helps to contextualize the roadmap and advancement in engineering biology with broader policy, investment, and social considerations.

  • Security Considerations at the Intersection of Engineering Biology and Artificial Intelligence

    Publication Date: November 2023

    This white paper describes three areas at the intersection of engineering biology and artificial intelligence that may yield significant security concerns: de novo biological design, closed-loop autonomous laboratories, and natural language Large Language Models. It describes each area, identifies potential security concerns, and offers ideas for the potential mitigation of those concerns, ultimately calling for an international forum to continually address this evolving issue.

  • NIST RFI on Implementation of US National Standards Strategy

    Publication Date: November 2023

    EBRC’s response to the request by NIST to support the Implementation of the United States Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology (USG NSSCET). With a focus on engineering biology technologies, we provide critical considerations for engaging private sector stakeholders in transparent, equitable, and accessible standards development activities.

  • Building a Robust Bioeconomy Workforce: A Policy Approach to Bridging the Gap in Undergraduate Experiential Learning

    Publication Date: October 2023 | Originally published in Journal of Science Policy & Governance

    This publication addresses the importance of hands-on learning and training opportunities in engineering biology education and workforce development, with information and recommendations sourced from EBRC Industry and Academic members.

  • Introduction to Engineering Biology: A Conceptual Framework for Teaching Synthetic Biology

    Publication Date: June 2023 | Originally published in ACS Synthetic Biology

    This publication is a companion piece to our Introduction to Engineering Biology curriculum module that was created and released in 2022.

  • Potential Changes to the Policies for Oversight of DURC and the P3CO Policy Framework

    Publication Date: October 2023

    Potential Changes to the Policies for Oversight of Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) and the Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO) Policy Framework: An EBRC Response to OSTP RFI 88 FR 60513.

  • Identifying Ambiguities, Gaps, Inefficiencies, and Uncertainties in the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology

    Publication Date: February 2023

    Identifying Ambiguities, Gaps, Inefficiencies, and Uncertainties in the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology: An EBRC Response to OSTP RFI 87FR77900

  • National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative: An EBRC Response to OSTP RFI 87FR77901

    Publication Date: January 2023

  • Request for Information on Developing a Roadmap for the TIP Directorate at the National Science Foundation

    Publication Date: July 2023

    EBRC’s response to the request by the NSF for comments on the development of a roadmap to guide investment decisions of the newly formed TIP Directorate. We recommend prioritizing engineering biology research through infrastructure development, data programs, and equitable workforce initiatives to strengthen biotechnology translation and U.S. economic competitiveness. We also highlight the several crosscutting areas for investments where engineering biology overlaps with other TIP areas of interest, such as AI, materials science, climate change, and advanced robotics.


  • Biological Carbon Capture and Conversion

    Publication Date: July 2023

    Engineering biology applications could contribute to significant emission cuts and move us toward achieving climate goals by replacing fossil fuels and fossil fuel-derived products with biobased products, transforming agriculture and industries with the introduction of low-emission and eco-friend processes and products, and building climate resilience for urban and rural communities.

  • Microbiome Research Strategy

    Publication Date: July 2023

    Recent advances in data science and engineering biology have accelerated the capabilities of microbiome engineering research. To harness these new capabilities and boost innovation, EBRC highlights technical methods, computational tools, testbed infrastructure, and data sharing requirements are in need of federal investment. These efforts should be coordinated across the Federal Government to capitalize on momentum and bolster productivity throughout the field.

  • Biocontainment Policy in a Robust Bioeconomy

    Publication Date: July 2023

    Deployed engineering biology products have the potential to reshape our environment, agriculture, human health, and more. Such impactful applications necessitate operation outside of traditional biocontainment vessels and thus require renewed biocontainment policies. Herein, EBRC highlights emerging biocontainment research, areas for investment, and horizon scanning activities to promote safe and responsible biotechnology innovation.

  • Request for Information on Future Topics for Workforce Development in Emerging Technology Career Pathways

    Publication Date: June 2023

    Response submitted by EBRC Director of Roadmapping and Education, Dr. Emily Aurand, to the request by NSF seeking novel approaches that lead to the recruitment of diverse and creative individuals into emerging technologies. This response provides strategic recommendations to increase the rate and composition of students enrolled in both traditional and non-traditional academic pathways to STEM and high-paying technology careers.


  • An Assessment of Short-Term Milestones in EBRC’s 2019 Roadmap, Engineering Biology

    Publication Date: March 2023

    The 2019 EBRC roadmap, Engineering Biology: A Research Roadmap for the Next-Generation Bioeconomy, extensively cataloged the potential for progress in the field, setting out numerous goals, possible breakthroughs, and ambitious milestones for the following 20 years. As we approached and passed the first milestone timepoint at 2-years post publication, EBRC sought to review progress in the field, compared against the advancements anticipated by the roadmap. This resulting Assessment reports on technical achievements and advancements and to barriers to progress, enabling the community to reflect on its achievements and identify areas for additional investment and infrastructure to ensure continued advancement.

  • Moonshots for the 21st-Century Bioeconomy

    Publication Date: December 2022

    In response to the Bioeconomy Executive Order, EBRC envisions moonshots for achievements in engineering biology across five sectors, highlighting the promise and potential of biotechnology. We also link to our interactive EBRC roadmaps, which provide more expansive visions of the innovations that are possible through engineering biology research and application.

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