
  • NSF RFI on 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

    Publication Date: January 2021

    EBRC responds to the National Science Foundation’s Request for Information on its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. EBRC addresses i) interests, values, and emerging science and policy issues; ii) US leadership in research and education; and iii) how the Strategic Plan can demonstrate the importance of fundamental research to the Nation.


    Engineering Microbiomes – Looking Ahead

    Publication Date: December 2021 | Originally published in ACS Synthetic Biology.

    A companion piece to Microbiome Engineering, this publication highlights the technologies and applications imagined by the roadmap. This publication features a focus on the Distributed Metabolism technical theme and provides compelling examples of how engineered microbiomes might contribute to foods, human health, and transforming the environment.


  • National Defense Education Program 2021 RFI

    Publication Date: August 2020

    EBRC’s response to a Request for Information on behalf of the National Defense Education Program (NDEP) from the U.S. Department of Defense for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Research & Engineering). This response: i) details the current status and limitations of the U.S. biotechnochnology education and workforce; ii) describes skillsets and capabilities needed for the future biotechnology workforce; iii) describes existing programs and models that can be leveraged or applied to support biotechnology education and workforce development, and the education levels where this would most impact; iv) recommends how to encourage the participation of minority and under-represented groups in biotechnology; and, v) describes metrics to measure progress and the level of investment necessary to ensure advancement.


    Microbiome Engineering

    Publication Date: October 2020

    This technical roadmap is a critical assessment of the current state of microbiome engineering and areas of anticipated research and development in the next twenty years. It also details how those scientific advancements can be applied across different industry sectors. Microbiome Engineering: A Research Roadmap for the Next-Generation Bioeconomy aims to provide a forward-looking examination of both the short- and long-term needs for microbiome engineering, to help scientists and policymakers fully utilize microbiome engineering.


    Enabling Defense Applications through Engineering Biology

    Publication Date: June 2020

    This technical roadmap describes opportunities and advantages in engineering biology to build new materials for diverse systems, enable new methods for sensing, monitoring, and communicating, protect humans from harsh environments and combat mission states, and build resilience to evolving threats.


    Engineering Biology

    Publication Date: June 2019

    EBRC’s inaugural roadmap, Engineering Biology: A Research Roadmap for the Next-Generation Bioeconomy, is a critical assessment of the status and potential of engineering biology. It is intended to provide researchers and other stakeholders (including government funders) with a compelling set of technical challenges and opportunities in the near and long term. The roadmap does so through four technical themes encompassing fundamental research and five application sectors tackling significant societal challenges.

  • HHS RFI on Review and Revision of the Screening Framework Guidance

    Publication Date: October 2020

    Many synthetic DNA synthesis companies screen their customers and the sequences they order in accordance with Guidance from the US Department of Health and Human Services. However, current guidance was issued in 2010 and thus is out of date. EBRC’s response to this RFI describes important considerations for updating the Guidance.

  • YouTube resources for synthetic biology education

    Publication Date: September 2019 | Originally published in Synthetic Biology.

    EBRC aims to serve as a resource for disseminating educational content and resources for engineering/synthetic biology. This article shares information about the compilation of publicly produced and accessible videos on YouTube for audiences interested in learning more about the field. Six playlists are described in the publication: Synthetic biology overview, Synthetic biology concepts, Synthetic biology teaching or public lectures, Synthetic biology research lectures, Synthetic biology in the lab, and iGEM. These playlists and the resulting publication were created by Aaron Dy, a former EBRC Student and Postdoc Association member, to share with the EBRC and wider community.

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