
  • Check out the latest episode of “Life Lab” – a podcast collaboration between EBRC and Tumble Science Podcast for Kids!

    “Life Lab” is a podcast series collaboration between EBRC and Tumble Science Podcast for Kids about engineering biology to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Supported with funding from the National Science Foundation. Listen to Episode 1 – ”More Cheese, Please” – here.

  • Member: Information Update Form

  • EBRC Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

    EBRC values Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and believes that diverse perspectives and experiences lead to a richer scientific enterprise. EBRC is developing a multi-phased, multi-year action plan to leverage its unique position at the intersection of academia, industry, and government to drive meaningful change. Please complete the survey below that corresponds to your EBRC affiliation, to help drive the development of our DEI action plan.

    Individual/Academic MemberIndustry Member or AffiliateGovernment AffiliateStudent or Postdoc

    The survey was developed to require minimal time on your part and can be completed in ten minutes. Responses will be analyzed in aggregate and coupled with an external landscape analysis of the broader field to identify meaningful actions and contributions our EBRC community can make to increase the inclusion and equity of people of color in engineering biology. Your participation is therefore crucial to the development of a successful strategy. We thank you for your guidance and insight.

    EBRC also requests any additional comments or feedback from the community regarding our DEI efforts – including questions for the DEI panel on Day 3 of our Annual Meeting (Tue., Apr. 27, 2021). If you would like to offer additional comments related to survey(s) linked above, feedback related to our draft DEI Action Plan, or would like to discuss our efforts with EBRC staff or our DEI consultant, Duane Poe, please fill out the form linked here:
    Additional Comments or Feedback

  • Assess your Success – Contribute to EBRC’s Assessment of Engineering Biology!

    We need your input! EBRC is undertaking an assessment of our 2019 technical research roadmap, Engineering Biology. Vital to this process is input from EBRC members, affiliates, and stakeholders and the broader engineering biology community.

    Assess progress towards the research milestones by completing a SURVEY and join us for an upcoming WORKSHOP to discuss and report on progress and remaining barriers.

    Student or Postdoc? Click here for information about the hackathon!

    Assessment Surveys

    Please help us assess the roadmap by filling out the surveys linked below related to your research interests. Each survey will guide you through an evaluation of the Engineering Biology milestones and allow you to provide evidence (cite yourself!) associated with progress or barriers. Surveys may be saved and returned to prior to submission.

    The information from this assessment will be invaluable to many different audiences: EBRC members, students, and postdocs to assess the utility of our roadmaps; for stakeholders, funders, and policymakers to understand the progress and continued challenges we face; and for the EBRC Roadmapping Working Group, so that we can create more accurate and effective roadmaps in the future.

    The product of this assessment will include:

    1) Summaries of milestone progress; commentary on technical and non-technical barriers to progress; and description of ethical, legal, social, or environmental considerations impacting milestone progression and opportunities for collaboration with social scientists; and

    2) Case studies spotlighting examples of how technical progress is shaping, or is being shaped by, the Application and Impact Sectors (Energy, Health and Medicine, Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Food & Agriculture) outlined in Engineering Biology.

    Please click the survey links above to begin your contribution. Surveys will close May 28, so fill yours out now! We are looking for responses from all members of the community, including graduate students, postdocs, PIs, industry scientists and leadership, government researchers, and additional stakeholders, to provide their candid assessments of the field.

    If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please email Albert Hinman (awh@ebrc.org).


    Assessment Workshops

    Please join us for workshops to discuss and summarize research progress and barriers in each of Engineering Biology’s four technical themes. Informed by our survey(s), these summaries will detail how technical theme research milestones have progressed since 2019, discuss technical and nontechnical barriers to Goal progression, and address ethical, legal, social, or environmental considerations associated with the Goals.

    Please use the links below to learn more and register for a workshop of interest:

    For more information about the workshops please email Albert Hinman (awh@ebrc.org).


    Student and Postdoc Hackathon

    Register for the Assessment of Engineering Biology Student and Postdoc Hackathon: Friday, May 28; 1-3pm EST / 10am-12pm PST! The technical expertise of graduate students and postdocs are critically needed for our Assessment of Engineering Biology survey(s).

    This virtual Hackathon event (2 hours) will divide participants into four themed breakout rooms (Engineering DNA, Biomolecular Engineering, Host and Consortia Engineering, and Data Science) for each participant to complete an individual survey. Participants will:

    • Be introduced to the Assessment project about why this project is important, recommended advice on filling out the survey, and how they can contribute to EBRC Roadmaps;
    • Complete a survey with fellow graduate students and postdocs in an inclusive and cooperative setting;
    • Discuss and state any interesting technical and nontechnical barriers; ethical, legal, social, or environmental aspects associated with the technical research roadmap goals.

    Please register for this event no later than May 26th. Whether you are a first year graduate student or a fifth year postdoc, we greatly need your participation. All EBRC SPA members or graduate students/postdocs in EBRC-member affiliated labs are welcome! All participants will receive contributorship (authorship) credit in Assessment publications and SPA members will be entered into a raffle for free EBRC swag. If you cannot attend this event, please still fill out a survey! These results are going to shape the narrative of how EBRC advocates with policymakers and science funders about the needs of our research field, and we greatly need your voice present. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, email awh@ebrc.org.

  • EBRC Announces Dr. India Hook-Barnard as the next Executive Director

    Dear Colleagues:

    With the growth of EBRC and its latest establishment of the BioMADE Manufacturing Innovation Institute, I am incredibly pleased to (re)introduce Dr. India Hook-Barnard as the next Executive Director of EBRC.

    India has been a Senior Advisor with EBRC for the last several months and will now be taking over the day-to-day direction and operations of the Consortium. She has deep experience working across industry, government and academia to establish cross-sectoral programs in areas highly relevant to engineering biology. As part of this transition, she’s looking forward to connecting with EBRC’s members and government sponsors to discuss your priorities and our joint opportunities to advance engineering biology goals. I look forward to working with her to grow EBRC’s impact and grow the impact of our field. 

    Prior to joining EBRC, India was Senior Advisor to the Beyond 2020: A Vision and Pathway for NIH Working Group, and Senior Vice President for Patient Outcomes and Experience at the National Marrow Donor Program. Before that, she served as the inaugural Executive Director of the California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine and as the Director of Research Strategy at the University of California, San Francisco. Earlier in her career, India worked at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine focusing on issues of emerging science and technology, including synthetic biology, precision medicine, biosecurity and biodefense. She earned her PhD in Microbiology—Medicine from the University of Missouri, and continued to study the regulation of gene expression in bacteria and phage during her postdoctoral fellowship at the NIH. India brings a wealth of experience to EBRC and we’re happy to have her join the team.

    Reporting through the president to the board, India will oversee all EBRC staff and programs, develop and lead new initiatives, and be your primary EBRC point of contact. India is taking this role at a key time for EBRC: we now have a significant number of ongoing programs and will be up to 10 team members by summer. I will remain actively involved as president by participating in strategic initiatives and key projects. 

    Thank you for your engagement with EBRC and I look forward to continuing our work together. 


  • EBRC Industry Internship Program – student application portal is now open.

    Apply now to the Summer 2021 Industry Internship Program. Application deadline is December 4, 2020.

  • Air Force Research Laboratory

    Dayton, Ohio
    Company Size: ~11,500
    Anticipated number of internship positions: 4

    Opportunity for remote/virtual internship in 2022: Potentially, but not guaranteed. Internship location is primarily based at Wright-Patternson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, with additional possibility of research location at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX.


  • Joint Genome Institute

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Berkeley, California
    Company size: 3000
    Anticipated number of internship positions: 1

    Opportunity for remote/virtual internship in 2022: TBD


  • Application Deadline Extended – EBRC Internship Program

    The deadline for applications to the Summer 2020 EBRC Industry Internship Program has been extended to DECEMBER 15, 2019. Applications received on or before Nov. 30 will receive priority review.

  • Institutional Member Login Request

  • Zachary Sun

    Zachary Sun is the CEO and co-Founder of Tierra Biosciences, a startup leveraging cell-free synthetic biology, automation, computer learning, and metagenomics to identify new molecules and new chemistry from Nature’s genetic datasets.

  • Fumiaki Hamazato

    Senior Engineer, Technology Development Center, Innvation Division, Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
    Professional Engineer, Japan (Biotechnology)

  • Synberc (Synthetic Biology Research Center)

    You have been redirected from synberc.org

    Synberc: Building the Future with Biology (Synberc 10 Year Book)

    About Synberc

    Synberc was a multi-university research center established in 2006 and funded for ten years with a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help lay the foundation for synthetic biology. During its 10 years of NSF support, Synberc made important early contributions to the development of the field of synthetic biology through research from members’ labs, interactions between academic and industry members, and broad-impact activities to support socially responsible innovation. At the conclusion of Synberc’s grant period, the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC) was founded. Many of the key activities established by Synberc have been adopted, improved, and continued by EBRC. EBRC is continuing to develop additional new activities and programs to support and sustain the impact of research, products, discoveries, and ideas from the synthetic biology community.

    Synberc’s mission was threefold:

    1. develop the foundational understanding and technologies to build biological components and assemble them into integrated systems to accomplish many particular tasks;
    2. train a new cadre of engineers who will specialize in synthetic biology; and
    3. engage the public about the opportunities and challenges of synthetic biology.

    Just as electrical engineers have made it possible to assemble computers from standardized parts (hard drives, memory cards, motherboards, and so on), Synberc envisioned a day when biological engineers systematically assembled biological components such as sensors, signals, pathways, and logic gates to build bio-based systems that solve real-world problems in health, energy, and the environment.

    Synberc researchers applied engineering principles to biology to develop tools to improve how fast — and how well — synthetic biologists could go through the design-test-build cycle. These included smart fermentation organisms that can sense their environment and adjust accordingly, and multiplex automated genome engineering, or MAGE, designed for large-scale programming and evolution of cells. Synberc also pursued the discovery of applications that would lead to significant public benefit, such as synthetic artemisinin, an anti-malaria drug that costs less and is more effective than former plant-derived treatment.


    In 2006, motivated by the possibility that microbes could be systematically engineered to produce virtually any product from sugar, a group of leading synthetic biologists successfully proposed Synberc to the National Science Foundation. Synberc was a ten-year multi-institutional research project working to lay the foundations for the field of synthetic biology which was emerging at the time. Synberc grew a trusted network of academic researchers working on foundational tools and technologies with a research program that created the enabling tools and technologies that have given rise to many bio-based applications. Synberc’s integrated Policy & Practices group developed and promoted leading examples of responsible synthetic biology research and application in four areas: biosafety and biosecurity; environmental applications and regulation; ownership, sharing and innovation; and community and leadership development. Synberc also built a robust industry partnership that includes nearly 50 small and large companies, non-profits, and industry associations.

    With its federal funding ending in 2016, Synberc called upon the federal government to work with academic and industrial researchers to launch a national initiative in engineering biology and thus the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC) was launched to sustain and coordinate federal investments, coordinate regulatory and safety policies, catalyze public-private partnerships, and encourage education programs to create leaders in biotechnology practice and policy.


    Synberc’s research programs focused on projects that developed the foundational understanding and technologies needed to routinely build large numbers of useful biological systems from standard interchangeable parts. Synberc also developed a set of collaborative, cross-cutting testbed projects that drove the development of tools and technologies, and provided proof of principle in building complex applications for real-world problems.


    Synberc’s research program focused on the development of:

    PARTS – The most basic unit in the design of synthetic biological systems

    DEVICES – Engineered genetic objects that are designed to function under specified conditions, and that can be created by combining parts

    CHASSIS – Host cells that are designed to run a genetic program.

    PRACTICES – Policies, procedures and ways of thinking about ethical, legal and social issues, as well as safety and security.

    TESTBEDS – Synberc developed several testbeds to test the integration of Parts, Devices, Chassis and Practices into an integrated application to solve a particular societal challenge.  These testbeds ranged from tumor-destroying bacteria to chemical-producing microbes to nitrogen-fixing plants. Many of these testbeds were inspired by industry needs.

    Synberc’s specific goals were to:

    • Develop a conceptual framework for designing small biological components, or parts, that could be assembled into devices to perform a well-characterized function under specified conditions;
    • Develop chassis (assembly substrate and power supply) to host the engineered devices and to assemble several devices as “systems” that accomplish a larger objective or goal ;
    • Develop a set of standards for the interactions of the parts and devices so that devices can be built more readily and reproducibly (enabling composition);
    • Offer the parts, devices, and chassis as open source to other researchers and companies; and
    • Link these engineering goals within a comprehensive practices framework.

    In addition to the thrusts and testbeds highlighted above, Synberc developed a core of cross-cutting research that provided foundational tools and technologies to advance synthetic biology internally and externally. These projects include automated DNA construction, models and design, safety and security, and registries and repositories.

    Research Resources

    Synberc facilitated the development of a number of research resources for the synthetic biology community. These resources can be accessed on the EBRC Resources page.

  • Naoya Kobayashi

  • Jason Amsbaugh

  • Megan Palmer

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