Cholpisit Ice Kiattisewee

Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
EBRC Communications Chair

Ice is an Engineering Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT working with Prof. James J. Collins. Before that, Ice graduated from the University of Washington with a Ph.D. in Molecular Engineering and Sciences under the supervision of Prof. James Carothers and Prof. Jesse Zalatan. He worked on various projects surrounding bacterial engineering, genetic circuits, and biocatalysis, particularly the development of CRISPR tools in non-canonical microbes for various applications, such as Metabolic Engineering and Signaling. Ice is highly engaged with the EBRC and SPA community since 2019, serving in various roles.

Originally from Thailand, Ice graduated with B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Organic Chemistry from Mahidol University before shifting to the world of Engineering Biology, starting as a Research Assistant at the School of Biomolecular Sciences and Engineering, VISTEC, Thailand. Whenever the weather permits, Ice enjoys outdoor activities including hiking, surfing, and climbing. If forced to stay indoors, he will sneak into Thai boxing practice or enjoy cooking Thai cuisine with friends.

See further info about Ice at his personal website: