Become a Member
EBRC members represent some of the nation’s top scientists and engineers spanning the science and engineering enterprise. Our members represent the diverse perspectives of the nation’s engineering biology research community. EBRC is comprised of Individual Academic Members and Industry & Organizational Members, with students and postdocs eligible to get involved as well. Individual Members represent principal investigators from leading research institutions across the United States and around the world. Industry & Organizational Members range from start-ups to large, long-established biotechnology research and manufacturing companies.
Industry & Organizational Members
Industry and Organizational Members come from the full range of institutions interested in engineering biology. These members play a critical role in helping guide the field by working with a community of academic scientists and engineers committed to rapid advancement. Members participate in or lead working groups on topics of interest to their companies and in shaping EBRC’s programs and activities. EBRC Working Groups provide a unique forum where industry scientists work side-by-side, and on an equal playing field, with academic faculty to advance the field. EBRC activities not only provide opportunities to help shape the field’s vision and direction but also provide unique access to cutting edge research taking place in academic labs and to EBRC’s young leaders, students, and postdocs.
- Learn about pre-disclosure, cutting-edge research taking place in academic labs.
- Participate in or lead working groups on topics of interest to your company.
- Help shape engineering biology’s national roadmap, catalyze new technical advances, and direct the future of the field.
- Work side-by-side, and on an equal playing field, with EBRC’s distinguished academic faculty members to advance engineering biology.
- Meet and get to know the next generation of talented scientists, engineers and policy experts working to advance engineering biology.
- Mission, products and/or services related to engineering biology.
- Interest in participating in EBRC working groups, programs, and other activities.
- Pay annual membership dues based on the size of your company or organization.
Check out our Membership Brochure for more information.
Interested in joining? Send us a message to start the conversation.
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Individual Academic Members
EBRC Individual Academic Members are some of the nation’s top scientists and engineers spanning the science and engineering research enterprise. Individual Members are typically principal investigators from academic or nonprofit research institutions across the United States and around the world. There are no dues or fees associated with Individual Membership.
- Join a large, inclusive engineering biology research community.
- Help facilitate a unified voice for the field.
- Access to a diverse group of academic leaders in engineering biology as well as key industry players that are at the forefront of adopting engineering biology technologies.
- Play a strong role in shaping a roadmap for how the engineering biology research community will advance the engineering of biology responsibly and for the greatest public benefit.
A competitive candidate:
- Holds a senior-level position with independent responsibilities at an academic, non-profit research, or public sector institution. Representative examples include PI-level or Research Scientist-level status, as well as Educators, Policymakers, and others.
- Actively publishes works (and/or generates products commensurate with one’s position) that contribute to the field of engineering biology (including technical and/or non-technical dimensions such as policy, ethics, or education) and is in good standing within the community.
- Communicates interest and specific plans for participating in and contributing to annual meetings, working groups, programs, and other activities.
Nomination and Selection Process: Members are nominated by an EBRC member or by self-nomination. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. The EBRC Individual Membership Committee (MemCom) is responsible for determining whether membership qualifications have been met. MemCom evaluates and offers invitations periodically throughout the year. If you are an EBRC Member and would like to nominate someone, please email
Membership Terms: EBRC individual membership has no specified terms. Members are expected be active members of the EBRC community. If a member has no EBRC-related activity for a period of three years, the member will be asked if they would still like to be a part of the EBRC community.
Based outside the US? Non-US based individuals may become international EBRC Members. The criteria and nomination process for these members are the same as those described above. EBRC is a US-based, public-private partnership that receives grant support from the US Government, and the majority of our programs are geared toward US issues and individuals. Therefore, the number of international EBRC Members is limited.
Apply for Membership →
Graduate Students & Postdocs
EBRC maintains a Student & Postdoc Association (SPA) to enable engagement between graduate students and postdocs across academic institutions.
EBRC SPA members and affiliates are eligible for a series of benefits including:
- Attending EBRC annual meetings
- Participation in EBRC SPA events such as industry site visits and workshops
- Access to private sections of the EBRC website including the Resume Book
- Application to the EBRC SPA Mentorship Program and EBRC Industry Internships
Any graduate student or postdoc doing work relevant to synthetic biology at a U.S. academic or non-profit, or international student or postdoc at an academic or non-profit institution is eligible to apply for membership.
Work relevant to synthetic biology includes laboratory work in synthetic biology, engineering biology, etc. as well as supporting fields such as microbiology, policy, computation, data science, communications, ethics, etc. where the given research may support the advancement of synthetic biology.
Interested in joining? Learn more about SPA Membership.
Apply for SPA Membership →
EBRC Membership Model
Learn more about the EBRC Membership Model.