
  • Immuno UK: In Person

    A two-day event packed with leading speakers, research and cutting-edge presentations on the latest advancements in cancer immunotherapy, with dedicated sessions on different therapeutic modalities as well as case studies on innovative preclinical and translational tools.

  • Biomarkers 2023

    Biomarkers 2023, designed to provide forward-looking insights into the latest trends and tools impacting biomarker research, it brings together leading experts from global pharmaceutical organisations, innovative biotech companies and internationally renowned academic institutions working across multiple therapeutic areas and stages of drug development.

    It includes over 90 cutting-edge presentations and discussion sessions, 8+ hours of valuable networking sessions and an exhibition hall showcasing 50+ vendor companies.

  • EBRC SPA Presents Data and Engineering Biology: Operating at the Technical Interface

    The EBRC Student and Postdoc Association is hosting a Data and Engineering Biology: Operating at the Technical Interface panel event, where researchers can connect with professionals who operate and lead within ‘data-centric’ bioengineering companies.

    Panelists will discuss 1) transitioning from their PhD to industry, 2) details about their current role, and 3) which data-specific skills are valued in their organization. The discussion will also cover how lab automation, data science, or DevOps platforms drive overall biology objectives at their companies. Join us virtually on December 6th, 2022 (2-3pm ET |11-12pm PT) on GatherTown by registering here.

    Click here to view our flyer.

    Please contact Eric South ( if you have any questions.

    Panelist Biographies

    Diana Koulechova, Ph.D.
    Diana is a Senior Scientist at Tierra Biosciences, where she works to improve and expand their cell-free protein synthesis platform, affecting their internal slogan of “Proteins for All.” Prior to joining Tierra, she developed processes and methods in biologics downstream development at the immunoncology company Agenus, and also prototyped a continuous processing system for biologics manufacturing at the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim. She received her PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology from University of California, Berkeley and has been in a variety of biochemistry fields ranging from homing endonucleases, protein folding, and somatosensation in C. elegans.

    Ben Gordon, Ph.D.
    Ben is a Senior Director of Research at Asimov Inc. and a Director at the MIT / Broad Synthetic Biology Foundry. He has extensive experience in both managing and leading teams in computer-aided synthetic biology. Ben received a Ph.D. in Computational Biophysical Chemistry from Caltech, where he conducted work on computational protein design and engineering. He later became a Postdoctoral Associate at the Whitehead Institute and then a Principal Scientist and Strategic Collaborations Manager at Agilent Technologies. Ben is also a Program Manager at BioMADE – a Bioindustrial Manufacturing Innovation Institute.

    Naomi Handly, Ph.D.
    Naomi is a quantitative cell biologist by training. At Octant, she’s had several roles including recruiting, establishing the OA program, building Octant HQ, demonstrating Octant’s multiplexed platform technology, building cell engineering, and more. Naomi received her PhD from the University of California, San Diego under Roy Wollman quantifying how cells communicate with one another to determine their position in relation to a wound. She’s passionate about bringing science to the public through effective scientific communication and meaningful technological advances.

    Marilene Pavan, Ph.D.
    Marilene is a High-Throughput Synthetic Biology Manager at LanzaTech Inc., a carbon recycling technology company, specialized in converting waste carbon oxides into biofuels and chemicals. She is a Biologist with 15+ years of experience in the fields of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, and biomanufacturing, with previous experience working for chemical industries like Braskem S/A and leading biotech companies as Monsanto S/A, She moved to the US in 2016 to work as Research Fellow at Boston University, later joining Lanzatech in 2019. Her expertise also includes partnerships (prospection and management); people management and mentorship; fundraising; business development; grant, patent, and scientific article writing; project evaluation and management; budget management; scientific consulting; and conference planning and speaking. She holds a master’s degree in Molecular Biology and is also specialized in Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. She is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in the Bioenergy Program of the University of Campinas, UNICAMP – Brazil.

  • EBRC Global Forum 2.0

    This is an invitation-only event.

    Registration has closed. 


    The Forum will be held at the Hotel Fort Canning. Our hosts in Singapore have procured an excellent reduced rate at the hotel for Forum attendees (details have been shared through email with those who have RSVPed yes to the Forum). Bookings at the reduced rate must be made by January 6, 2023. We recognize the tight timeline for the reduced rates. There are also other hotels nearby if you prefer to stay elsewhere, though we will not be able to provide reduced rates or transportation from other hotels. For your consideration, here are some other options for hotel booking (rates shown are as of 12/22/22, per night, flexible option with cancellation, no breakfast, and exclude taxes and fees):

    • Hotel Fort Canning at the non-reduced rate (SGD 340)
    • Citadines Connect City Centre Singapore (SGD 240); 6 min. walk/5 min. drive from Hotel Fort Canning
    • 30 Bencoolen (277 SGD); 10 min. walk/5 min. drive from Hotel Fort Canning
      Many others in the area!



    The second EBRC Global Forum for Engineering Biology: Review of Synthetic Biology/Bioeconomy National Strategies (EBRC Global Forum 2.0) will be held on the 20th and 21st of February 2023 in Singapore in partnership with the Singapore Consortium for Synthetic Biology (SINERGY). The Forum will bring together a group of global leaders for an international summit focused on national synthetic biology roadmaps and bioeconomy strategies. Our goal is to facilitate presentations and discussions among leading representatives in the field in a relaxed, not-for-attribution forum.

    The two-day agenda will include:

    • information exchanges and updates about the current status of national strategies and programs, funding, future directions, and challenges for each country represented at the EBRC Global Forum 2.0;
    • discussions focused on the common elements, opportunities, and challenges for collaborative activities, and initiatives that will advance synthetic biology/engineering biology globally and nationally; and
    • consideration to establish a virtual and ongoing Global Forum for Engineering Biology and, perhaps, task forces for specific topics such as safety and security; standards and measurement; and climate crisis/sustainability.



    Participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. We will facilitate room blocks and/or make recommendations for accommodation, but we will not be covering the costs. We have some limited ability, on a case-by-case basis, to fund travel for those who could not otherwise participate without travel funding assistance..


  • Synthetic Biology for Future Health

    We are pleased to announce our new conference on synthetic biology. This conference will present how technologies from synthetic biology are delivering innovations across clinical health applications and leading towards improved global health.

    The meeting will bring together researchers working on synthetic biology, biotechnology, genomics and medical sciences, along with industry members from pharma and biotech companies, and investors and funders in this growing research area. It will address how the technologies coming out of synthetic biology impact both advanced healthcare in developed countries (e.g. personalised medicines, T-cell therapies) and global wide-impact, such as very low-cost diagnostics and self-replicating living therapies. In addition, the conference aims to provide a reflection on where resources and work are succeeding and where more effort needs to be placed to ensure equitable global outcomes.

    We aim to organise this meeting as a hybrid conference – with on-site or virtual attendance. If you would like to be part of these discussions – consider submitting an abstract by 17 January 2023 and register by 14 February (in-person) or 6 March (virtual) 2023.

    To promote more inclusive scientific discussions with international colleagues at our conferences, virtual delegates based in Lower and Middle-Income Countries can register for free.

  • Global Open Genetic Engineering Competition (GOGEC)

    GOGEC, a virtual conference, allows students to present their work and meet other synthetic biology students around the world without having to worry about registration fees. Projects can include any sort of synthetic biology work including engineering organisms, purely computational or software work, or building non-biological devices with biological applications. You can find more information and register here.

  • Symposium on Innovation and Education for the Bioeconomy

    Join local, state, and national leaders in education, government, and industry on October 27th, 2022 as we build a better and more sustainable future in the Appalachian Highlands. Stakeholders will gather at East Tennessee State University to pair local expertise in manufacturing, fermentation, and agriculture with global innovations in life science. This event will establish collaborations and partnerships to shape a world-class bioeconomy in the region. Featured speakers include EBRC members Natalie Kuldell (BioBuilder) and Tom Tubon (BioMADE). The symposium is free and open to the public, but you must register to attend. You can learn more and register here

  • EBRC 2022 Council Retreat

    Reminder to EBRC Council members in industry, government, and academia, to register and book your travel for the EBRC 2022 Council Meeting at J. Craig Venter Institute, in La Jolla, CA on November 7-8, 2022.


    Travel Support and Meeting Hotel:
    We anticipate covering airfare and hotel expenses for EBRC Academic Council Members. Please see EBRC’s full travel policy here.

    EBRC has reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Embassy Suites by Hilton San Diego La Jolla at 4550 La Jolla Village Dr, San Diego, CA 92122 at $189.00 per night. Please indicate on the registration page if you will need hotel accommodations. We will reserve the room in our block. If your travel is not covered by EBRC, you can provide payment at check in. Please contact with any questions rather than contacting the hotel directly.

    Health and Safety:
    We are committed to hosting a safe event. We will be closely watching CDC recommendations in addition to all relevant local and state guidelines leading up to the Meeting and make any changes necessary for health and safety. Proof of vaccination will be required for attendance. A rapid antigen testing strategy may also be deployed depending on conditions. Meals will be provided outside.

  • iGEM 2022 Grand Jamboree

    The iGEM Grand Jamboree is where the future of synthetic biology is showcased every year. This year, 350+ multidisciplinary teams from 40+ countries will be presenting their projects on how to solve local problems, all over the world, using synthetic biology.

    The iGEM Grand Jamboree is home of the world’s largest SynBio community of researchers, industry, investors, startups and policy makers.

    After 15 years in Boston and 2 years remotely, iGEM chose the most beautiful city in the world and its Parc des Expositions, the largest venue in Europe and just 15 min away from the Eiffel Tower, to host the most important gathering for synthetic biology. Learn more and register here.

  • 3D Cell Culture Online

    Our 3D Cell Culture congress incorporates key trends and innovative technologies to accelerate the adoption of 3D models in preclinical research via advanced development, validation and application strategies.

  • Oligonucleotide Chemistry & Therapeutics Symposium

    An intensive 1-day meeting that delves into the latest in oligonucleotides chemistry, process & analytical development, therapeutics, antisense therapy & a meeting place for experts working within cutting-edge oligo research & therapeutic development.

  • Precision Medicine World Conference 2022 (PMWC)

    Join the 2022 Precision Medicine World Conference on June 28-30,2022 located at the Santa Clara Convention Center! The program will include:

    • Three-day Program
    • Seven Simultaneous Tracks
    • 400+ Speakers
    • Awards Reception
    • Company Showcases
    • Exhibition Floor

    EBRC’s Dr. India Hook-Barnard will present at PMWC 2022. India will chair the UC Precision Medicine Programs: Achievements and Challenges session on June 28.

    PMWC is the largest & original annual conference dedicated to precision medicine, bringing together recognized leaders, top global researchers and medical professionals, and innovators across healthcare and biotechnology sectors to showcase practical content that helps close the knowledge gap between different sectors, thereby catalyzing cross-functional fertilization & collaboration in an effort to accelerate the development and spread of precision medicine. Click here for more information.

  • 2022 ASBMB Annual Meeting

    The 2022 ASBMB Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with Experimental Biology, will take place in person April 2–5 in Philadelphia.

    About EB
    The Experimental Biology conference — hosted by five scientific societies supporting studies in biochemistry and molecular biology, anatomy, pharmacology, physiology and pathology — attracts thousands of researchers and exhibitors.

    Starting in 2023, the five societies will be parting ways. So don’t miss this last chance to converse and forge collaborations with scientists from multiple disciplines with shared research interests.

    For more information and to register, click here.

  • Climate and Sustainability Roadmap Virtual Writing Workshop 10

    Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
    12:00pm-3:00pm ET | 9:00am-12:00pm PT

    Register here
    Registration closes April 4th, 2021

    Agenda: Coming Soon!

    This virtual workshop will focus on filling in technical gaps and move us closer to completing the technical content of the Roadmap. Participants will review the identified technical gaps and fill in those gaps by drafting technical milestones, bottlenecks, and potential solutions.

    This is anticipated to be the last technical writing workshop for the EBRC Climate & Sustainability Roadmap before we start the review and revision phase of the roadmapping process.

    This workshop is open to participation from all stakeholders.

    For more information about the roadmap or workshop, please contact Sifang Chen (

  • Climate and Sustainability Roadmap In-person Workshop

    This workshop is by invitation only, with a limited number of attendants. The workshop will focus on reviewing and revising our technical research roadmap to advance engineering biology tools and technologies that respond to the urgency of the climate crisis and promote long-term sustainability.

    Register here
    April 11th, 2022: Registration closes; Deadline for hotel and travel arrangements by EBRC

    Agenda Outline
    Detailed Agenda Coming Soon!

    Workshop Objectives
    Review Technical Themes, Research Goals, and Milestones collectively and holistically to identify gaps and summarize the priorities, potential impacts, and the messages they portray.
    Participants will work independently and in small groups to review, revise, and complete the content of the technical roadmap.
    Identify Milestones in need of further discussion and revise identified Milestones based on the discussions.
    Group review and discussion of case studies on Social and Non-Technical Considerations.

    Travel Support and Meeting Hotel:
    We anticipate covering travel expenses for academics, including students and postdocs. Please see EBRC’s full travel policy here.

    We will be reserving a block of rooms at DoubleTree Hilton in Skokie, IL at a rate of $119/night. Please indicate on the registration page if you will need hotel accommodations. If your travel is not covered by EBRC, you can provide payment at check in. Please contact with any questions rather than contacting the hotel directly.

    Health and Safety:
    We are committed to hosting a safe event. We will be closely watching CDC recommendations in addition to all relevant local and state guidelines leading up to the workshop and make any changes necessary for health and safety. Proof of vaccination will be required for attendance. A rapid antigen testing strategy may also be deployed depending on conditions.

    For more information about the roadmap or workshop, please contact Sifang Chen (

    For information on EBRC’s travel policies, please contact

  • EBRC SPA Presents Transitioning to Business Roles Post-PhD Panel

    The EBRC Student and Postdoc Association is hosting a Transitioning to Business Roles Post-PhD panel event, where researchers can connect with professionals who work in venture capital, consulting, business development, and technology transfer following a biotech graduate education. Join us virtually on April 6th, 2022 (2:00-3:30pm ET |11:00-12:30am PT) on GatherTown by registering here. Our diverse panel includes a broad range of business perspectives that will provide insights on how graduate students can begin to differentiate in preparation for these career paths.

    Click here to view our flyer.

    Please contact Eric South ( if you have any questions.


    Panelist Biographies

    Sarah R. Carter, Ph.D.
    Dr. Carter is the Principal at Science Policy Consulting LLC where she focuses on societal and policy implications of emerging biotechnologies. Trained as a scientist, she has a detailed understanding of synthetic biology and tracks advances in biotechnology as they arise. She has 10+ years of experience working with policy frameworks related to biotechnologies and the increasingly diverse biotechnology industry, and has contributed to many policy projects and processes, including those organized by U.S. government agencies, non-profit and academic institutions, and others. Previously, she worked in the Policy Center of the J. Craig Venter Institute and in the Obama Administration’s White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Dr. Carter is a former AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow and a former Mirzayan Fellow of the National Academies. She earned her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of California-San Francisco and her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Duke University.

    Travis D’Cruz, Ph.D., MSEM
    Dr. D’Cruz is a Senior Manager at Oncorus with an advanced background in life sciences research and several years of experience in facilitating technology commercialization. Travis is adept at spearheading partnership discussions to execute productive deals, along with experience in leading asset-focused partnering discussions with large pharma, supporting strategic collaborations from initial discussions through post-deal alignment, and supporting technology licensing deals to enhance company pipeline and platforms. Previously, Dr. D’Cruz led and managed all aspects of academic tech transfer for Tufts University’s life science portfolio, and assisted with patent strategy, IP licenses, routine contracts, and alliance management. Dr. D’Cruz earned a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Penn State University, a Master of Science in Engineering Management at Tufts University, and a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Drexel University.

    Eric Keen, Ph.D.
    Dr. Keen joined Flagship Pioneering in 2022 following completion of Flagship’s 2021 Fellows Program. As part of Geoffrey von Maltzahn’s origination team, Eric works to conceive and develop transformative bioplatform companies which address key challenges in health and sustainability. Eric holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis from Washington University in St. Louis, where he was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, and a B.S. in Biology with highest honors from the University of Miami, where he was a Barry M. Goldwater Scholar. Outside of work, Eric enjoys hiking, biking, and almost anything else outdoors.

    Anji Miller, Ph.D. CLP RTTP

    Dr Miller is a technology transfer professional with extensive experience of developing and translating early-stage translational research. Her current role at LifeArc involves working with academic and charitable establishments to identify, cultivate, fund, and commercialise early-stage healthcare technologies, focusing on rare diseases and advance therapies.

    Prior to joining LifeArc, she worked for several leading establishments, including The Wellcome Trust and St George’s University of London, working at the forefront of academic translational research and knowledge transfer policy. A proponent for professional advancement in technology transfer, Dr Miller directs the LifeArc AUTM Tech Transfer Fellowship, a programme designed to train and assist scientists to become TT professionals, and she is the skills lead for the UK’s recently launched Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapy. An advocate of equality diversity and Inclusion, Dr Miller cofounded Global Equality, Diversity and Equality in Technology Transfer (GEDITT), an initiative missioned to raise awareness and promote EDI in the TT sector.

    Dr Miller holds an M.Sc. in Human Molecular Genetics and Ph.D in Cancer Genetics from Imperial College, and M.Sc. and Certificate in IP Law from QMUL. She is a certified project manager, Registered Technology Transfer Professional and Certified Licensing Professional. Dr Miller serves as VP of Communities on the ASTP Board, a member of the BioIndustry Association (BIA) Cell & Gene Therapy Advisory Committee, and the AUTM Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity Committee.

  • EBRC 2022 Annual Meeting

    We are excited to announce the EBRC 2022 Annual Meeting at the University of California, Berkeley on May 19-20, 2022. All EBRC members in industry, government, and academia, including students and postdocs, are invited to attend.


    Registration is now closed. For more information, please contact


    The EBRC Annual Meeting is home to exciting research talks, updates on EBRC programs and initiatives, and opportunities to build relationships and identify collaborators. View our complete agenda here and our program book here

    Annual Meeting Venue:
    University of California, Berkeley
    174 Stanley Hall,
    Berkeley, CA 94720-3220

    Registration is now closed. For more information, contact To confirm your spot and offset some of the meal costs, there will be a nominal fee ($150 for academic, government, and industry members and $75 for students and postdocs). The majority of expenses are still covered by grants and industry membership dues. If this fee is prohibitive for you or your lab members, please email

    As you register, you will have the opportunity to indicate your interest in participating in a Roadmapping Workshop on Wednesday May 18, and your interest in sharing a 60-second “Synergies” talk to briefly describe what you are working on and identify potential partnerships and collaborations.

    The EBRC annual meeting is open to members and invited guests only. Members include our academic members, their students and postdocs, member companies’ employees, government affiliates, and members of EBRC’s Student & Postdoc Association.

    Travel Support and Meeting Hotel:
    We anticipate covering airfare and hotel expenses for speakers from academia, including students and postdocs, for EBRC Academic Council Members, and for Student and Postdoc Association Board Members. This travel support does not include the meal fee ($150 for academic, government, and industry members and $75 for students and postdocs). Email if this fee is prohibitive. Please see EBRC’s full travel policy here.

    EBRC has reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Graduate Berkeley at 2600 Durant Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 at $209.00 per night. Please indicate on the registration page if you will need hotel accommodations. We will reserve the room in our block. If your travel is not covered by EBRC, you can provide payment at check in. Please contact with any questions rather than contacting the hotel directly.

    Health and Safety:
    We are committed to hosting a safe event. We will be closely watching CDC recommendations in addition to all relevant local and state guidelines leading up to the Meeting and make any changes necessary for health and safety. Proof of vaccination will be required for attendance. A rapid antigen testing strategy may also be deployed depending on conditions. Meals will be provided outside.

  • Climate and Sustainability Roadmap Social Dimensions Writing Workshop

    Thursday, March 10th, 2022
    2:00pm-5:00pm ET | 11:00am-2:00pm PT
    Held virtually on Zoom

    Register Here

    Registration closes March 8th, 2021

    Agenda: Coming Soon!

    EBRC is developing four case studies to examine the social and non-technical dimensions related to the technical advancements proposed in the Climate and Sustainability Roadmap. At this workshop, participants will explore in-depth the regulatory, societal, economic, and security issues presented by the following case studies:

    • Release of engineered algae with increased carbon capture capability in U.S. coastal waters off California
    • Application of biofertilizers based on engineered rhizobia to corn fields in the American Midwest
    • High efficiency lithium biomining in Nevada with engineered microbes
    • Engineering cattle microbiomes to reduce methane emissions in American agriculture.

    Each case study draws from a technical milestone in the roadmap. The case studies were selected to highlight a broad range of outcomes and consequences of using engineering approaches to address climate and sustainability challenges. The case studies aim to serve as an opportunity to spur proactive collaboration between technical researchers, social scientists, and other stakeholders.

    For more information about this workshop or the roadmap, please contact Sifang Chen ( or Becky Mackelprang (


  • Climate and Sustainability Roadmap Virtual Writing Workshop 8: January 28th

    Friday, January 28th, 2021
    12:00pm – 6:00pm Eastern | 9:00am – 3:00pm Pacific
    ***NOW VIRTUAL***

    Note: due to the current COVID situation, this workshop has been changed to a virtual event.

    The workshop will focus on drafting our technical research roadmap to advance engineering biology tools and technologies that respond to the urgency of the climate crisis and promote long-term sustainability.

    This workshop is by invitation only.

    Register Here
    Registration closes January 18, 2022

    Agenda: Coming Soon!

    Workshop Objectives

    • Descriptions of enabling and/or transforming tools and technologies for each of the Roadmap’s previously identified technical themes: Large-scale Biosequestration of Greenhouse Gases; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Application Sectors (Food/Ag, Transportation & Energy Production, Materials Production); Conservation of Ecosystems and Biodiversity; Enabling Sustainable Industrial Processes; and Mitigating Environmental Pollution.
    • Drafting a set of research plans, with specific waypoints, to develop and scale these tools and technologies to address climate and sustainability challenges in a timely, sustainable, and equitable way.
    • Consider the impacts these technologies might have on biodiversity and the environment; consider social dimensions and non-technical challenges, such as security, policy, and regulations.

    For more information about the roadmap or workshop, please contact Sifang Chen (


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