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EBRC invites the Engineering Biology community to post relevant job openings and career-development opportunities.
EBRC invites the Engineering Biology community to post relevant job openings and career-development opportunities.
If you or someone you know should be included in our Diversity Database, please let us know. We are open to any nominations or self-nominations of women-identifying professionals in or related to engineering biology.
EBRC wants to connect the synthetic biology community to your workshops, meetings, and other activities. Please add your event here to share with your colleagues.
EBRC has developed a lightly-curated list of education and outreach activities in synthetic biology. This list includes workshops and short-courses, classroom activities and hands-on training opportunities. The list is intended to serve as a resource for existing opportunities you may want to engage in, as well as ideas for activities you may want implement at your own institution.
A multimedia-based promotion of science for the public, EBRsee is an initiative to curate and produce podcasts, videos, and other content on concepts in engineering biology to increase public awareness and engagement.
Want to get involved or have an idea to share? Email education@ebrc.org
Welcome to the EBRC Global Forum for Engineering Biology, an initiative dedicated to fostering collaboration, information exchange, and the development of national strategies for synthetic and engineering biology. The Global Forum aims to be an ongoing platform for dialogue and action, bringing together experts, policymakers, and leaders to advance the global bioeconomy.
As part of this initiative, EBRC convenes international summits, develops resources, and supports international efforts aimed at addressing key global challenges such as standards, security, and sustainability. Learn more about the initiative, our summits, and resources below.