Internship Program: Submit an Internship Opportunity

Please use this form to share information about your existing or upcoming internship opportunities!

Starting in 2023, EBRC will transition our Industry Internship Program to be an Internship Portal. We are scaling back our facilitation and will no longer coordinate student applications, coordinate interviews, or make matches/placements, decreasing the operational burden for some companies and for EBRC. Importantly, however, EBRC will still facilitate connections between students in the community looking for internships and the member companies and affiliated organizations that are seeking interns through a revised version of our website ( We will also offer guidance and suggestions for host organizations and for students on how to have a successful internship.

Information submitted through this form (except where indicated) will be displayed on our Internship Portal webpage for students to learn about and connect with your in-house internship programs or opportunities.

Add: Internship Opportunity

  • Please provide your full name and email with us in case we have any questions about your inputs below; we will reach out only if necessary. This information will not be shared.
  • Company/organization URL (main site; e.g.,
  • Select one or more of the following options:
  • Indicate the number employees of your company or department (optional).
  • Enter internship location or indicate if opportunity is remote.
  • If available, provide the URL dedicated for internship opportunities (e.g.,
  • Please include any desired experience or interests for your preferred intern candidates. We also encourage you to include additional information about professional development opportunities or related travel opportunities.
  • Please indicate when you expect the internship to take place or indicate "Open" if it can take place at any time.
  • If applicable, please provide a point of contact for your internship program or opportunity for interested students. *This information will be visible on our public website.*
  • If applicable, please provide a point of contact for your internship program or opportunity for interested students. *This information will be visible on our public website.*
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.