Christina Agapakis
synthetic biology, microbial ecology, art-science collaboration, science communication
synthetic biology, microbial ecology, art-science collaboration, science communication
Heidi Ledford. Nature.
UC’s patent for its pioneering CRISPR discovery sets up a big battle over its rights. Los Angeles Times.
Jeffery M. Perkel. Nature.
Matthew Verosloff, James Chappell, Keith L. Perry, Jeremy R. Thompson, and Julius B. Lucks. ACS Synthetic Biology.
David I. Walsh, III, Marilene Pavan, Luis Ortiz, Scott Wick, Johanna Bobrow, Nicholas J. Guido, Sarah Leinicke, Dany Fu, Shreya Pandit, Lucy Qin, Peter A. Carr, Douglas Densmore. SLAS Technology.
Grab your kiddos and take a listen to February’s episode of Tumble Science Podcast for Kids featuring Danielle Tullman-Ercek discussing engineering bacteria.
Military analysts are increasingly concerned about the nation’s “advanced, underestimated and highly lethal” bioweapons program.
The SPA is hosting an Industry Site Visit to Ginkgo Bioworks on March 22 in association with the EBRC Retreat.
EBRC hosts periodic membership retreats to discuss the latest research in engineering biology, the work ongoing in our focus areas, and enable in-person engagement in our community. Registration is now closed.
Check out the agenda to see what we’re up to. Logged in members can download a PDF of the abstract book.
EBRC invites the Engineering Biology community to post relevant job openings and career-development opportunities.
If you or someone you know should be included in our Diversity Database, please let us know. We are open to any nominations or self-nominations of women-identifying professionals in or related to engineering biology.
EBRC wants to connect the synthetic biology community to your workshops, meetings, and other activities. Please add your event here to share with your colleagues.
EBRC has developed a lightly-curated list of education and outreach activities in synthetic biology. This list includes workshops and short-courses, classroom activities and hands-on training opportunities. The list is intended to serve as a resource for existing opportunities you may want to engage in, as well as ideas for activities you may want implement at your own institution.